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The 15.

So, I had a meme few days back from Madhuri. The electricity dripped in the ITB today, and I returned home to write this. The first 15 books I can think of, in 15 minutes, that will always be within me.

To them I tag a word –
A word that reminds me of that book.
Thus, the 15.

  1. Relationships –  Of Human Bondage, Maugham.
  2. Sarcasm – Cakes and Ale, Maugham.
  3. Spirituality – Razor’s Edge, Maugham.
  4. Victims – All quiet on the Western Front, Remarque.
  5. Freedom – Mother, Gorky –  Freedom
  6. Dreams – The Alchemist, Coelho – Dreams
  7. Love – A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway – Love.
  8. Power – The Godfather, Puzo – Power
  9. Catcher in the Rye
  10. Savor –  The Prophet, Gibran
  11. Wisdom – Theater, Maugham –
  12. Expression – My Name is Red, Pamuk
  13. Innocence – The Curious incident of the dog in the night time, Mark Haddon
  14. Growing-up – To kill a Mocking Bird, Lee
  15. Disgrace – The Disgrace, Coetzee

And it makes me feel stale. Last one I read was Scarlet Letter.

To friends that I pass this meme,
shall list those 15 they can think of in 15 minutes,
tagged by a single word
For all of their wisdom.
or None.

Runaway Sun

Runaway Sun

Categories: Expression
  1. Madhuri
    June 10, 2009 at 3:11 am

    Ok, Somehow, I completely skipped this post. You haven’t been writing (Why?) and I have not visited the blog in sometime.
    Thanks for doing the meme. I am not surprised to see the many Maughams there. Interesting choice of words though – I wouldn’t associate Of Human Bondage with relationships for instance. I would associate it more with obsession.
    And why is there no word for Catcher in the Rye? Would it be Phony? or Youth? or Derision?

  2. June 10, 2009 at 10:35 am

    I haven’t read many in this list, but no surprise at all that Maugham features prominently… 🙂

  3. June 16, 2009 at 2:21 am

    I’d been out of smoky world for a pretty long time, and just back to wear the sinner’s chain again…

    Everyone has her/his own choices; the list is truly exciting one for selection of tags…
    I haven’t read a few books as cited being authored by Pamuk or Coetzee or Haddon; but that’s the plus point in it for me…I will now!!!!!

    I agree on Maugham’s influence….it’s not for being an ardent fan myself, but for his inimitable refinement in chasing a falling droplet of human expression so concernedly that surely defines what it is all about…yeah, specific…

    What is an admiring act is to list up 15 in so well categorised manner….I will surely scramble for years with Dostoevsky, Dickens, Maugham, Turgenev, Maupassant, Tagore, Jane, Hardy, Chekhov, Buck, Ruskin and an endless series of those greats !!!!!!!!!! I would only fail and enjoy in failing…!!!!!!!


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